Frequently Asked Questions on Canada

When are you leaving? June 24, 2009. Alex finishes work on June 12 and Elizabeth the next week.

Why are you leaving? For Alex, we are spurred on by his rapidly expiring elligibility for the working holiday program (31 in 2010), so it was now or never. He’s done a fair stint at UWA, and made some great friends, but now feels like a bit of a change. For Elizabeth, similar reasons and, a desire to see more of North America.

Where are you going to live? Vancouver, British Columbia. Alex loved his time in Ontario, but remembers winter.

What about your jobs in Perth? Alex is resigning from Arts, since it was only a contract, and Elizabeth has a 12 month leave of absence from ITS.

Can I have your stuff? We’ve already started getting rid of everything we don’t need (there’s an unsurprising lot of it). Freecycle is awesome. We’ll take over all the clothes we might need during the course of a year, and store the rest back in Perth. If there’s anything you want, let us know (email us at theducks dot org ) – the TV and digital piano are spoken for. This post outlines the status of most of the things we have on offer.

What are you going to do for work? We do like working for Universities, so we’ll try picking up some IT work at UBC, SFU or one of the others there. Failing that, look for us as TV extras.

Isn’t this all just Alex’s idea? No, as hard as it may be to believe, it was a joint decision.

Couldn’t you just move to Melbourne? Well, yes, but that seemed too easy.

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