The big news in BC yesterday was that Gordon Campbell stepped down as Premier. Some were loudly proclaiming victory, or expressing happiness of his departure.
As he put it in his statement: When public debate becomes focused on one person, instead of what is in the best interest of British Columbians, we have lost sight about what is important. When that happens, it’s time for a change.
Cause let’s look at the mess he left BC in:
(ganked from voice_of_experience on reddit)
Oh wait, that’s the good stuff.
And yet, there’s a downside.. apparently some people don’t like the HST (which, when you look at what else the province gives, is actually a reasonable measure..) or they didn’t like the Olympics (what are you going to do about that now? it worked out fine. Sure it cost a lot of money..) or that the Canada Line doesn’t have enough capacity (it grew faster than expected, that’s success isn’t it?), or that he once got arrested for drink driving (let me tell you about Ralph…)
I’m confident of history’s view of this period in politics. Also, has anyone seen Idiocracy? No? Never mind, seems like it’s playing out in politics right now, what with this and the Tea Party..