I think my tastebuds are maturing or something. Many things I once loved now no longer appeal to me. Like Quiznos Black Angus subs, Creamsicle Extremes, in fact I find I can’t abide by HFCS flavoured Coke.
All things being equal, this is probably for the best. But I find it curious. I used to love that stuff, now it tastes sickly.
In other news, I now have a Canadian Bank Account, Social Insurance Number and cellphone number. All we need now are jobs and somewhere to live :D We have this hostel room until July 3, and more than enough money, but I couldn’t blame a landlord for not wanting to rent to us since we don’t have jobs. Not that we’ve tried.
We’re looking at share-housing with one of Elizabeth’s friends, but that may not occur until after 3 July, so we’d need somewhere in the meantime. I’m thinking initially a short term rental from somewhere on craigslist (even at $700/pw, it’d be cheaper than here), then get the sharehouse happening.
All the while also looking for work.