2009-05-06 : Warning, this page was written in 1996 and may not reflect the current views or opinions of Alex Dawson
In June 1996, The wonderful Gillian Anderson came to Australia to promote Foxtel and The X Files Collectors cube. I was, as usual over the other side of the country, however given the wonderful nature of the internet, a friend who went sent me thse phots
to scan, and put up on a web site. All images (c) 1996 Anne Parmenter, any unauthorised use will result ina penalty of death... blah blah blah... :) Seriously you can use these photographs anywhere you want as long as you put a link to this page somewhere
on yours... and that is more than fair. :)
These photo were taken with an auto focus pocket camera, not some professional Hasselblad, so therefore the quality may not be as good as other scanned photos. There were also scanned at 200%. If you think the photos are too big, scaling them by 50% will make them lo
ok pretty good.

There were one or two people who came to see her here in Melbourne. If you think there's a lot of people in this photo, you're missing the rest of the shopping centre and close to 15000 people. Lotsa philes. Lots a lotsa philes...

Gillian looking pretty happy that 15000 people had come to see her. Not that I blame her either. Conventions are usually around 2000-3000 people at the most. Once again: "Lotsa philes....lotsa lotsa philes"

What can I say about these two photos... well Gillian looks really happy to me in these ones.... wonder what they were saying to her... who know. Things remain, unexplained...

Gillian's security...or how to use your position as a Police officer to let you kid meet Gillian. Yes the guy in yellow is a police officer. At least, I hope he is, otherwise what is her doing with a revoler on one hip and Police Tracksuit pants?...

Here's Gillian getting warned (presumably) about those mad Australian fans. And such a nice FBI hat.

Above we can see Gillian entering the stage, looking very grand indeed. One of the best photos of the lot in my opinion

Gillian had a little time to chat to the person sitting next to her. And here it is.